«Love bares the pulse, that is not visible..» - this main celebration for the couple was full of the most sensual and heartfelt moments, and it seemed that even if something disappeared, it could be felt right through ...
Semitransparent flowers like X-rays let the light through. The hall for the wedding dinner was lit with the bright light, and each guest had a bracelet that began to glow and pulsate to the rhythm of the show as soon as the ceremony began.
Tonya and Kostya – a bright and beautiful couple – were ready to experiment from the first minute of preparation for the wedding. They appeared at the ceremony together at once.
We hid them behind the floral curtain, which fell down after the love-story video, revealing the silhouette of the couple.
«Feeling each other through» is when words are not needed to tell about your own feelings and it seems that you hear each other's thoughts. Just like our couple did at the ceremony. This was probably the main surprise for both of them, when the ceremony began with the sounds of oaths, which Tonya and Kostya recorded secretly in advance ... Standing in complete silence they were listening to themselves giving the main promises to each other and not only for them, but for everyone at the hall this moment was the most sincere and touching.